The Unique Feature of SoroSign
Some loss, some gained. Do you want to be the gainful one?
Daily people buy stock Sintek Photronic Corp 3049 at odd times. So when is the best time to buy it?
Sensitize it yourself. A good investment software not only need to be accurate, but must also be simple and easy to use.
Refer to the following chart: Taiwan stock Sintek Photronic Corp 3049
Applying SoroSign signal for stock trading:
Green buy, red sell. It’s that simple.
Green signal (Short to Medium) appears, buy and hold. Wait until the red signal (Short to Medium) appears, then sell.
The Unique Feature of SoroSign : This software utilizes the same equations and data in global stocks’ markets, irrespective whether in Malaysia or the United States market, where the general technical analysis cannot apply.