Trend analysis on Taiwan Stock San Shing Fastech Corp 5007
The volatility stock market, create anxieties and happiness among investors.
San Shing began its downtrend in July. If you had bought it in May, August is the best time to sell. If you are just entering within this three to four months, then you have to be careful. The former allows you to sell early to avoid losses; while the latter induces you to buy at high. Thus wrong entry timing.
Although San Shing price is already at the lowest in the year, it thus does not mean that it is the right time to buy as it may fall further.
If you have this SoroSign investment software, this mistake can be avoided.
Taiwan Stock: San Shing Fastech Corp 5007
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1) Chart analysis is very simple.
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The most important thing is to avoid losses when the stock market is in the downturn. Preserve your capital for the purchase of other stocks.
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